Conference Room 1/5

Conference room 1/5 offers capacity up to 80 seats and daylight options. It is excellent for conference and business meetings, presentations, interviews, workshops, seminars etc.

The wide lobby in front of Conference room 5 is excellent for displaying all kind of promotional/informational materials, exhibition spaces, banners, posters, panels and for registration desk. Our guests can also have coffee-breaks, “Welcome” drinks and cocktails next to the congress-bar at the end of the lobby.


  • Preferred shape arrangement of chairs and tables
  • Free high-speed Wi-Fi
  • Air-conditioning
  • Daylight options
  • Stationary projection screen
  • Console
  • Mobile hangers
  • Registration desk
  • Informational signs


  • Multimedia projector, mobile/wall projection screen
  • Sound/translation equipment & professional support
  • Flip charts, business packages & badges
  • Live video conferences & audio recordings
  • Mobile stage/podium
  • Flower arrangements
  • Mineral bottles of water (500 ml) for the participants
  • Equipped business center services 24/7
  • Parking

Capacity of the room
according to the arangement

Conference room Area Theater Classroom Square U-shape
sq.m seats seats seats seats
Зала Европа 354.00 350 150 60 54
Зала Европа + Конферанс 1 451.25 550 220 80 70
Зала Киев 190 180 120 54 50
Конферанс 1 107.25 80 50 40 36
Конферанс 2 29.00 30 15 12 9
Конферанс 3 45.24 40 27 18 15
Конферанс 4 29.90 30 15 12 9
Conference Room 5 114.00 80 50 40 36

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